Monday, September 24, 2012

Down to you by M. Leighton

Down To You 
by M. Leighton


I will first off say that I am totally impressed.  I was apprehensive while reading the summary on Goodreads, but after reading the book….I am soooo glad I did!

Twin brothers!!!! HOT!!!!!!!

Two brothers, who look identical, but have two totally different personalities.  Cash is a typical bad boy, club owner, motorcycle riding hunk.  Nash is totally opposite, soon to be lawyer, very smart, very educated hunk.

What’s a girl to do?  Especially when Nash is dating her roommate and cousin and Cash is too bad in her mind to want forever. 

This story takes you through the roller coaster ride that is Olivia’s life.  Who does she want to be with?  Cash or Nash?  And what will Olivia do when a bomb is dropped on her that includes Cash and Nash?

I was totally into this book. I sat for 5 hours straight and only put it down briefly to get my kids dinner and go through their backpacks!  I liked how each chapter went through different characters perspectives of the story.  I could feel how each of them felt. 

I enjoyed the growing connection between Olivia/Cash and Olivia/Nash.  I really enjoyed the twists and turns towards the end!  It was a wild ride that I would have never expected.  The author did a great job keeping my attention and having the story flow. 

The epilogue….I learned that this story is to be continued!  I need to know when the next one is out!  It will be an auto-buy for me!

I highly recommend this book!  I got it off Amazon/Kindle for like 4 bucks.  Totally worth the money!!!!!!

Review also on my Goodreads

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